

All learners will be allowed to take part in this new leadership program. It is voluntary, but once the learner commits to it, s/he will have to stay on the program till its conclusion.

  • Learners must be willing to do duties in and around the school during break, in a 10–day cycle.
  • 6 Learners per class will be chosen at a time to perform these duties. This will be done on a rotatory basis.

“Leadership is an action, not a position.” Donald Mc Gannon. With this statement in mind, we are starting a new venture with grade 7 learners.

Community Projects

Learners will choose their community project, which will be done in groups of 8-10 learners, supervised by a Gr 6 or 7 educator. These projects will occur once a term and will rotate from group to group so that the educators can mentor the learners in their leadership roles.

All educators teaching Gr 6 and 7 will be acting as mentors. Each educator will be mentoring a group of 8 – 10 learners. They will observe and mentor the learners in their year of leadership.


In the 4th term, Gr 7 learners and educators select a group of leaders that have stood out in their leadership during the year.

These leaders will be mentioned on the “Wall of Achievement and Dedication”.

A photo gallery will be set up in the passageway, where all the learners can see the photographs of these leaders with their special achievements.


2023 is the second year of this new way of electing prefects as this is only a trial run.

Grade 7 learners go on a camp and the staff will undertake certain activities along the way. Teams are drawn up in such a way that the Afrikaans and English classes are mixed, to allow children to learn to know each other better.

During the next week, the learners receive a name list to vote for their preferred candidates. From this, the top ±40 learners are selected. When the learners are sieved, the grade 7 learners and staff will vote from this list for the final quota. The results from this election is taken to the management team (principal and senior staff) for finalization.

The number of prefects may vary from year to year as we try to limit the number of prefects to not more than 25% of grade 7’s.

Mrs. White is the electoral officer assisted by Mr. Terblanche and Mr. White.